Tuesday, August 14, 2012

CSA Week 1/Week 16

Welcome to the second half of the 2012 CSA program.  Welcome to our new shareholders and a big thank you for our returning ones! We have enjoyed serving everyone with fresh local produce each week. 
We apologize for the tardiness of this email, it has been a busy week.  The rain finally came last week and we have been busy harvesting and preparing for this second half.  If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at any of the ways below.  We sent out invoices last week, please mail your check or pay in person at your next pickup.
This week, according to share size, members will receive: watermelon, okra, green beans, cucumbers, muscadine grapes, celery, onions, and garlic. 
A reminder for pickup times/locations:
Atherton: Pickup time Tuesday 3:30-6:30pm 2140 South Boulevard. Charlotte, NC 28203.
Concord: Pickup time Tuesday 5:00-6:00pm 492 Sunnyside Drive Concord, NC 28025. 
Davidson: Pickup time Saturday 8:00am-12:00pm 120 South Main Street  Davidson, NC 28036.
Recipes will be posted later today at www.coldwatercreekfarms.com

Cold Water Creek Farms

Eric Williamson 704.796.7795
Brad Hinckley 828.406.0849
Friend us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter @2organicfarmers 

Don't Panic, It's Organic!

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